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OXYMETHOLONE Androidin , Androlic , Adroyd , Adroyed , Anadrol , Anadroyd , Anabolic steroid Oxymetholon , Anasteron , Anasteronal , Anebox , BECORIT , Dynasten , Hemogenin , HMD , Metalart , Methabol , Nasténon , Oxitosona - 50 , Pardroyd , Pavisoid , Plenastril , Protanabol , Robonal , Synasteron , Zenlosyn Therapeutic applications : it is used most often in the treatment of aplastic anemia due to bone marrow hypoplasia , which is refractory to conventional therapy . Description : is considered the strongest and most effective anabolic- androgenic steroid , which is alleged , that can provide at short notice fantastic results in an increase in strength and mass . Given that a significant capacity to retain water in the body , muscle gains achieved with these funds are mostly gross mass , with typical swollen and pouring light muscle without any carvings . I therefore abused mainly in mimosúťažnom , volume periods , where it acts as a growth and strength accelerator , apparently unattainable with pump- effect . Recorded is even so powerful muscle pumps muscle , which is sufficient to achieve above average muscle load only a few sets for one muscle group . Moreover , oxymetholone is reportedly able to hold the force level at a high level almost throughout the training unit.
Experienced anabolic diversionary claim that significant water retention and muscle poor quality in this period can be reduced discipline in combination with diet and some anti-estrogenic active agents ( tamoxifen , mesterolone ) . Furthermore , in this case, are also reported significant restorative effects , which can also cause that some of the means used by bodybuilders with success in preparing for competition . In this case , however, problems with water retention must be addressed radically - abuse further enhancing drugs - diuretics . If you have started to whoop for joy that there is finally something for you , dear Doping consumers , I have a few less encouraging information - in the case of high doses or for long-term abuse , belongs to the group of anabolic- androgenic steroid with the most harmful effects . In addition , it in this case, many give directly correlated with the development of liver cancer , very quickly converted to estrogens , which play a significant role in the development of a well -known gynecomastia . The high water retention and salt raises blood pressure , with subsequent negative phenomena in the body . Of course there are also other negative phenomena characteristic of almost all abuse anabolic- androgenic steroids . Form : tablets containing 2.5 mg , 5 mg , 50 mg .
OXYMETHOLONE Androidin , Androlic , Adroyd , Adroyed , Anadrol , Anadroyd , Anabolic steroid Oxymetholon , Anasteron , Anasteronal , Anebox , BECORIT , Dynasten , Hemogenin , HMD , Metalart , Methabol , Nasténon , Oxitosona - 50 , Pardroyd , Pavisoid , Plenastril , Protanabol , Robonal , Synasteron , Zenlosyn Therapeutic applications : it is used most often in the treatment of aplastic anemia due to bone marrow hypoplasia , which is refractory to conventional therapy . Description : is considered the strongest and most effective anabolic- androgenic steroid , which is alleged , that can provide at short notice fantastic results in an increase in strength and mass . Given that a significant capacity to retain water in the body , muscle gains achieved with these funds are mostly gross mass , with typical swollen and pouring light muscle without any carvings . I therefore abused mainly in mimosúťažnom , volume periods , where it acts as a growth and strength accelerator , apparently unattainable with pump- effect . Recorded is even so powerful muscle pumps muscle , which is sufficient to achieve above average muscle load only a few sets for one muscle group . Moreover , oxymetholone is reportedly able to hold the force level at a high level almost throughout the training unit.
Experienced anabolic diversionary claim that significant water retention and muscle poor quality in this period can be reduced discipline in combination with diet and some anti-estrogenic active agents ( tamoxifen , mesterolone ) . Furthermore , in this case, are also reported significant restorative effects , which can also cause that some of the means used by bodybuilders with success in preparing for competition . In this case , however, problems with water retention must be addressed radically - abuse further enhancing drugs - diuretics . If you have started to whoop for joy that there is finally something for you , dear Doping consumers , I have a few less encouraging information - in the case of high doses or for long-term abuse , belongs to the group of anabolic- androgenic steroid with the most harmful effects . In addition , it in this case, many give directly correlated with the development of liver cancer , very quickly converted to estrogens , which play a significant role in the development of a well -known gynecomastia . The high water retention and salt raises blood pressure , with subsequent negative phenomena in the body . Of course there are also other negative phenomena characteristic of almost all abuse anabolic- androgenic steroids . Form : tablets containing 2.5 mg , 5 mg , 50 mg .
Oxymetholone Tablets Genesis 100 tabs/50 mg
Androlic (Oxymetholone) 100tabs/50mg, British Dispensary
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